difference between piano and grandpiano?

• Dec 8, 2024 - 14:15

is there any? i've included both in the same piece for a comparison and i can't tell the difference.
same with organ and church organ.
also is there a way to make certain notes louder or quieter without using a separate instrument just for them? i can't even seem to make the treble clef louder than the bass clef without splitting them into two instruments with one clef each. thanks again


Difference between "Piano" and "Grand Piano": in the world, that should be obvious :-) In MuseScore, the basic soundfont uses the same sound to play them both. You can obtain other soundfonts that provide different sounds for the two instruments.

I've never used "Organ" or "Church Organ" but I assume that's the same situation.

To make one note loud and another soft, use Dynamics (https://musescore.org/en/handbook/4/dynamics). To assign different dynamics to the treble and bass clef for a grand staff instrument see Assigning voices to dynamics (https://musescore.org/en/handbook/4/dynamics#assigning-voices)

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