Update to Plugins page needed

• Dec 18, 2024 - 20:08

Suggest that the Plugins list at https://musescore.org/en/plugins be updated to be current with MU 4.4.x. Need to more clearly and consistently specify which plugins are compatible or not compatible with recent releases of 4.x.


If you feel strongly about this, you could help out by trying out all the Plugins and reporting on the ones that work and don't work in 4.4.x.

In reply to by underquark

A list? And the OP would update that list on a regular basis?
Why can't the site admin create a new option for compatible >=4.4 plugins?
This situation gives a very bad impression for new users (e.g. the Finale refugees)
One installs the latest MS and wants to try a 4.x compatible plugin, only to find out that 4.x actually means <4.4

In reply to by underquark

I was afraid I would get this response.

If it would help, what I can do is submit a list of the plug-ins I use (maybe a dozen at most) that I find are incompatible with the version I'm using (4.4.4). Realize that that list will only be a small subset A' of all n>100 plug-ins on the current list, and that the subset of that subset A'' may contain only 2 items.

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