Update to Plugins page needed
Suggest that the Plugins list at https://musescore.org/en/plugins be updated to be current with MU 4.4.x. Need to more clearly and consistently specify which plugins are compatible or not compatible with recent releases of 4.x.
If you feel strongly about this, you could help out by trying out all the Plugins and reporting on the ones that work and don't work in 4.4.x.
In reply to If you feel strongly about… by underquark
A list? And the OP would update that list on a regular basis?
Why can't the site admin create a new option for compatible >=4.4 plugins?
This situation gives a very bad impression for new users (e.g. the Finale refugees)
One installs the latest MS and wants to try a 4.x compatible plugin, only to find out that 4.x actually means <4.4
In reply to A list? And the OP would… by graffesmusic
It seems to me that it is not clear to you that anyone who contributes to the creation of the plugins does so out of generosity and without profit... any claim seems completely out of place to me.
In reply to It seems to me that it is… by ILPEPITO
This is about categorizing plugins. Compatible with 4.4 or not.
I said "a site admin" should create a new category. That is someone employed by Muse. Not someone without any profit.
You think that is completely out of place?
In reply to This is about categorizing… by graffesmusic
Ok, now let's see what "a site admin" will tell you...eh eh eh
In reply to Ok, now let's see what "a… by ILPEPITO
Nothing. Since it has been asked before.
I did not criticize any plugin developer. I did not imply plugin developers should upgrade their plugins.
In reply to This is about categorizing… by graffesmusic
I might be interested in doing this kind of stuff on a paid contractor basis. On 2nd thought, no. I'm 68 and am still trying to become a famous still-living composer.
In reply to A list? And the OP would… by graffesmusic
Seems a perfectly sensible idea to me.
• Admin creates the 4.4 category
• Plugin developers choose 4.x or 4.4 as appropriate.
Job done. Time wasted downloading incompatible plugins eliminated.
In reply to If you feel strongly about… by underquark
I was afraid I would get this response.
If it would help, what I can do is submit a list of the plug-ins I use (maybe a dozen at most) that I find are incompatible with the version I'm using (4.4.4). Realize that that list will only be a small subset A' of all n>100 plug-ins on the current list, and that the subset of that subset A'' may contain only 2 items.
In reply to I was afraid I would get… by artoffugue333
I suppose that you could start a thread of plugins known to be 4.4.4 compatible and hope that other users contribute but this really makes more practical sense to be implemented as a category filter on the main plugin page.
In reply to I suppose that you could… by yonah_ag
An added category filter makes sense to me too. Thanks yonah_ag.
In reply to An added category filter… by artoffugue333
The info on the plugin page is incorrect. False.
On an almost daily basis, there are users on this forum asking why 'plugin x' does not work in MS, while it is categorized as compatible with 4.x.
In any organization, it would be obvious that this has to be fixed.