Fingering diagrams

• Dec 26, 2024 - 16:56

there is a plugin named fingering diagrams. It can show the fingerings of several instruments.
It looks like it is the right plugin for me...
But it does not work with version 4.x of musescore (at this moment I have version 4.4.4).
Is there a version of this plugin or another plugin that can show fingerings of different blowing instruments (Clarinet , sax...)?
greetings from Germany


Many existing plugins do not work with 4.4.4. The version of QML (the language that plug-ins are written in) was changed; thus, many plug-ins need to be modified slightly to work in the new version. If you can make the modifications go for it. If not, prolly your best bet is to contact the developer of that particular plug-in and ask when (or whether) they are going to update it.

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