Slurs over a system break

• Dec 27, 2024 - 15:07

A question for the engraving experts: The default positioning of slurs over a system break is sometimes not very nice, because the slurs collide with the staves (e.g. page 2 in the attached file). I do not see a pattern, when a position of the slur is ok and when it is not. Does someone have an idea to get a better default placement of the slurs? Manual corrections of the slur-positioning within 2 pages is ok, but sometimes I have a few more pages...

Attachment Size
Dubois Prelude Deux petites Pieces.mscz 51.58 KB


"Does someone have an idea to get a better default placement of the slurs? "

Perhaps you do?
You could articulate a precise set of rules which you think would produce a more elegant solution for cross-system slurs. Those proposed rules would allow an engraving expert (e.g. oktophonie) to compare your rules with the current implementation in MuseScore Studio's code.

I guess that you would have to enumerate many conditions to explain the required "landing point" at the start of the next system for each "departure point" on the staff of the slur at the end of the previous system? Perhaps with a worked example as a MuseScore score to illustrate each case to be covered by these rules:
a) some cases where at present you have to adjust manually;
b) other cases where the existing default is already correct.

Sorry, I don't see what you are talking about in your score. "[T]he slurs collide with the staves" on page 2 or anywhere else.

In reply to by TheHutch

I think that the OP is complaining about these cases in measures 26 and 31 (treble staff):

  • in m.25 at end of system the slur is above the staff - but in m.26 at start of next system the slur is embedded in the staff

  • in m.30 at end of system the slur is above the staff - but in m.31 at start of next system the slur is embedded in the staff

In reply to by DanielR

Oh, I see what you mean.

Personally, looking at it as a musician (which is the only meaningful way to look at a score), it's quite readable. I would have no problem with those two slurs beginning (no, "continuing") above the lines, but in my opinion, this is slightly more readable.

Not something I would worry about in the slightest, but to each their own.

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