Corrupted file

• Jan 4, 2025 - 05:26

I had been working on the score for a few hours and saved it multiple times even before shutting off my computer. When I rebooted, my laptop updated, and once I tried to open the file, it says it's corrupted. If I click open anyway, nothing happens. Can someone please help me? Both the backup and normal file are corrupt. Here they are (sandwork is the backup that I turned back into a .mscz):

Attachment Size
Sand.mscz 39.21 KB
sandwork.mscz 39.21 KB


Unfortunately, these scores are irretrievable, as there is no more data (full of zeros) - image below
Can you remember when (and under what circumstances, if possible) the file came to be in this state?

It is assumed that this is usually due to one or a combination of these factors.

  • MuseScore Studio's code
  • Qt or other software libraries
  • Windows or its filesystem (usually NTFS or FAT)
  • Specific hardware or drivers
  • Other software on the computer (including viruses)
  • User error (e.g. overwriting a file, or unplugging a flash drive without unmounting it first)

But as no one has yet been able to reproduce such a problem in an obvious way, any information on the circumstances is welcome.

(I've edited the end of the post, it wasn't relevant!) :)

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