A Problem

• Jan 5, 2025 - 21:41

hello there musecore! My name is Tim and today a ran into a problem. while I was getting ready to compose a piece I found out that my old piece has disappeared I looked every everywhere in my pc and found nothing but the new piece. good thing I saved a pdf file of my old piece and I was wondering If you van help me to import it to musecore? I already tried but it came out really buggy and with a lot of mistakes... so please respond because this was my favorite piece and it is really important for me. if it helps I have an MP3 file of the piece too.

thank you very much.

Attachment Size
Untitled score.pdf 101.9 KB


Just chalk this up to experience and re-enter it using MuseScore. I (and most people who visit this forum) only have the same access to "import" PDF's as you. Some people have purchased a PDF interpretation program and this is something you might think about if you need this sort of thing frequently.

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