Different dynamics for different clefs?

• Jan 7, 2025 - 22:48

Please forgive me as I'm relatively new to composing and sheet music especially, so I apologize if don't use the right terms and such. I'll try my best but feel free to correct me if/when I say something wrong.

I'm curious to know if there's a way to set different dynamics (not sure if that's the right term, but I'm talking about forte, piano, pianissimo, etc.) for the different clefs, such as mezzo-piano for notes in the treble clef and piano for the bass. In one of the pieces I'm working on the bass is a bit too aggressive and drowns out the melody, so I need a way for the bass to be quieter without making the melody quieter as well. I thought about putting them on separate tracks as they're currently both on one, but I wanted to know if I could fix it while keeping them both on one track.


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