Why bend notes don't work in some measures.

• Jan 15, 2025 - 20:32

I have the same exact problem with bend notes in a Fretless Bass Guitar, it works in one measure but the same line in the next measure it doesnt. Someone has found a solution yet?, i need a solution because this is so annoying, i havent been able to work properly because of this.

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BriDes.mscz 59.97 KB


I have experienced a similar problem - a trombone note with a "slide in below" mark sounds fine in one measure, but not the next time I use that same phrase. I've tried everything from deleting/replacing the notes, copying from another measure that sounds fine, and even removing the entire measure and adding it back in before I did the two things above. Measure 92 is a perfect example in the attached file.

Attachment Size
MI GENTE RMZ.mscz 246.16 KB

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