Playback "sputtering" on macOS
I have recently been trying out MuseScore 4 after composing using Finale for years. When I play back my piece (currently consisting of several solo strings), the playback sputters and crackles several times per measure. When I increased the buffer size to its max value, this helped (as was recommended in another thread), but did not fully fix the problem. If I can't resolve this issue, I won't be able to continue using Musescore, which is disappointing to me. Here are my computer and software specs:
Computer: macOS Sonoma 14.5, Macbook Pro M1
Software version: 64-bit, 4.4.4-243461245
Given the fact that it's 2025 and not 2007 (when I last had this type of performance issue in Finale), I'm confused as to why this could possibly be a difficult task for my fairly powerful computer. I'm hoping someone can help me fix the issue. I've read threads here and on Reddit and they have not helped. Thank you!
Checking back in on this. Can someone please help? Thank you.
Does anyone have ideas on how to fix this? I would really appreciate some help here.
Is there some additional information I should provide to get some help here? People are responding to posts within hours, yet I can't get a single response after 12 days.
This has not been solved. Support will not respond. I would really appreciate someone trying to provide some help here. Thank you in advance.
In reply to Is there some additional… by jameshaydenga
There are several other threads describing (and resolving) this issue. You might want to look at some of them. There is no such thing as "Support". We (all users, just like you) are it.
In reply to There are several other… by TheHutch
Thanks, TheHutch. This was very helpful!
As I mentioned in my original post, I tried following suggestions from other threads. Only one of those suggestions helped somewhat, as I mentioned in my original post, but it did not entirely fix the issue. Since you were not willing to provide any examples of the several other threads that resolved this issue, I can't know whether there are other solutions that I do not know of.
However, your response helped me because it became clear that since MuseScore support is entirely community run, and the purpose of your response was not to help me resolve my issue (but rather, what I can only assume, was to scold/embarrass me), I was likely not going to be able to get this issue and any futures issues solved. So, since I'm unable to get this to work, I'll be moving on to invest my time into a different software. Thank you!