Unable to double dot

• Jan 20, 2025 - 03:59

Hi, I need to double dot a note , and I've looked at lots of forums on this already but have not been successful with finding a solution, as I realised that my musescore format may be a bit different from others'.

I pressed the wheel symbol on the top right corner and I see the double augmentation dot, but I pressed it and nothing happened.

Thank you!

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Click the gear symbol to the right of the toolbar (it's labeled Customize toolbar). Slide down the list until you find the "double augmentation dot". It's in a section with "augmentation dot", "triple augmentation dot", "quadruple augmentation dot", and "rest".

Observe that each of these items (and, indeed, all items in this list) has an icon to its left, consisting of an "open eye" or a "closed eye". An item with the "closed eye" is not displayed in the toolbar; one with the "open eye" is. So, click on the "closed eye" next to the double augmentation dot to make it display in the toolbar. It will appear between the augmentation dot and the rest symbols.

Once it appears in the toolbar, click the button in the toolbar to add it to a note.

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