reassign voice 2 to alto
I was wondering if there is away to reassign voice 2 in the top staff to the alto voice? I am seeing some red notes and I think this is because MS sees them as Soprano notes rather than alto.
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Immaculata - Wreath of Mary.mscz | 65.19 KB |
Or use the Change Instrument function to change the Soprano staff to Women.
No. that is not possible and also not necessary. Firstly, when you print them out, they are all black anyway and secondly, you can specify in the Preferences/Note Input (Mus 3.7, may be on a different place in Mus4) that the notes that are outside the pitch for the instrument in question are not colored on the screen.
Here you have always worked with voices 1 and 2 and changed the stem direction in many places with X and hidden the resulting double flags. This is not necessary, because notes of the same duration can also be placed on top of each other in one voice - with the mouse directly or with C, Shift-E, Shift-G, for example. Then the stems are in the same direction and a quaver remains a quaver. This can save you a lot of work ...
In reply to No. that is not possible and… by HildeK
In this way:
1_Immaculata - Wreath of Mary.mscz
(And you can use mezzo-soprano to avoid the red colored notes)
In reply to In this way: by HildeK
It may just depend on the look the OP wants. Good to have options.
For example:
In the Staff Properties window, you can extend the range of the parts so red notes don't appear. Or change the instrument to Women (or Mezzo Soprano). Either way you need to change the playback sound to Piano.
You can also range select the vocal staff and hit ctrl+R and change all stem directions (voice 1 up and 2 down). This seems like a more clear and consistent look to me. But, we're all different.
In reply to No. that is not possible and… by HildeK
I use voices 1 and 2 because it is easier to export a Soprano or Alto mp3 for rehearsal.