String quartet
Hi! I want to write a music for two string quartets, in the same sheet music, but separate: on quartet above and the other below, in diferent systems. How can I put them in diferent systems?
Hi! I want to write a music for two string quartets, in the same sheet music, but separate: on quartet above and the other below, in diferent systems. How can I put them in diferent systems?
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A) This sub-forum isn't really the right place for this question. This Made with MuseScore sub-forum is really for people to show off their work.
B) I'm really not sure what you mean. But if I understand correctly (which I'm sure I do not), simply write quartet number 1 first, in measures (for example) 1 through 100. Then put a Section Break (from the Layout palette) and write quartet number 2, in measures (for example) 101 through 200.
I would recommend you post any follow-up as a new thread in either Support and bug reports ( or General discussion ( Good luck!
Yes, a lot depends on what you intend for the two quartets: are they intended to be performed simultaneously, like Darius Milhaud's 14th and 15th quartets/string octet? In which case, just select the eight instruments, then adjust the score order, and add the appropriate brackets. You might have to adjust the span of the barlines between the quartets, as well. Or did you mean one system of quartet no. 1, then a system of quartet no. 2, then another of no. 1, and so on? In which case just write it that way, and perhaps add a few labels for clarity, but understand that it will also playback that way. (1a-2a-1b-2b-1c . . .., instead of 1a-1b-1c . . . and 2a-2b-2c . . .)
I don't quite understand it either, but it seems that half the posts on the "made with musescore" sub-forum are requests for help (or complaints about So be it.