Adding multiple accidentals to one note in Musescore 4
Hello, I'm trying to add multiple accidentals to one note in Musescore 4. Is there a trick to get them to stay put?
Hello, I'm trying to add multiple accidentals to one note in Musescore 4. Is there a trick to get them to stay put?
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You could simply add accidentals symbols (menu View / Master palette / Symbols, and type sharp, flat or natural in the search field).
But what exactly is the project?
In reply to You could simply add… by cadiz1
Sure but what I need to do is have multiple accidentals on one note. I'm writing something in 7 limit just intonation which requires the use of the HEJI accidentals (available in the palette of Musescore 4) the thing is sometimes you need a flat but also another accidental next to it (see the picture attached).
In reply to Sure but what I need to do… by jakemonroem
"but also another accidental next to it"
And what's it called? Do you know it? If so, as mentioned above, go to the Symbols palette, type in its name, and you'll get it.
In reply to "but also another accidental… by cadiz1
See also: