Downloaded Score is cut off in portrait/landscape

• Feb 25, 2025 - 15:24

Please forgive this query from a MuseScore beginner--I've searched for an answer on the forum, have seen the problem discussed but no real answer. It is probably a quick fix or something dumb I'm doing . . . but I would appreciate any help I can get.

I subscribed to MuseScore and downloaded a score. It opens in "preview" on my MacBook Pro (running Sequoia 15.1.1). Unfortunately, (even though it shows in landscape orientation online) it shows up only in portrait mode, with the last 5 measures of every page cut off.

How do I get the images of the pdf to fill the page in landscape orientation? Really need to be able to print this out . . .


In reply to by SteveBlower

Hi Steve, thanks for the quick response. So, I don't see "Format/Page Settings" in the Preview App on Mac. Is that something that is in MuseScore itself? Do I need to be in MuseScore in order to print a downloaded pdf from MuseScore? (I've downloaded and printed piano music ok without MuseScore, but this score is a first.). The attached image shows what I'm seeing. And when I go to print and just select landscape instead of portrait, this image is what I get:

Attachment Size
IMG_6827.JPG 3.08 MB

In reply to by hughjpoland

You have downloaded a .PDF file. The MuseScore Studio application does not open .PDF files. So, no one here at is particularly going to be able to help.

That said, from your description, your computer's default .PDF viewer is displaying--and, presumably, printing--the .PDF file. Based on that, it sounds like you are viewing the .PDF file in a browser. However, since you did not show anything of that, no one can know. Try saving the file to your hard drive and opening it in Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Acrobat Reader; print from there.

In reply to by hughjpoland

Yes, but my PDF reader (Foxit) can reduce the page size per percentage - 91%, 90%, 89% ... 83% ... 60% and so on.
I cannot help you in detail as I do not know the settings of your computer, your printer and printer driver, your PDF reader (and so on).

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