Musescore Playback not working after closing laptop

• Mar 2, 2025 - 03:48

After leaving my laptop closed for an extended period of time (30 minutes or more is what I could reliably verify), playing a score that was left open will not make any sound, and will play at a greatly accelerated speed. Playback will fix itself either on closing and reopening the score, or waiting for an extended period (~30 minutes again). For clarity, I'm on an M1 MacBook Pro, and I also had the issue on an older 15" intel MacBook Pro as well.


Known issue for many years. Not limited to Macs. I've heard reports from other users of the same thing happening with other notation applications. (No personal experience.) Simply don't leave MuseScore open when you leave your computer.

Similarly, don't change the sound devices while MuseScore is running. For example, don't unplug your headphones and plug in your speakers. Instead, save your work, exit MuseScore, change the sound device, launch MuseScore, and open your work again.

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