Midi Editor 2.0
I have added the possibility, for some functions, to select a bars interval in addition to the track, and to possibly delete notes outside the interval.
Windows Prompt and the Linux terminal allow drag & drop: this gave me the idea of implementing this function in the plugin. Now you can upload your CSV file by simply dragging and dropping it into the text box (or in a button).
Implemented the function, for type 0 midi files, to extract a channel as a single track; for other types of midi files, the 'extract single track' function is available.
Added the possibility to edit the midi time division (ticks for quarter). Also added a function (at an elementary level) for the transformation of the rhythm from straight to swing.
Added to the download page a short guide on how the plugin works: in it the description of other numerous changes (including the rethinking of the quantization function), and considerations.