Midi Editor 2.0

• Mar 3, 2025 - 19:04

I have added the possibility, for some functions, to select a bars interval in addition to the track, and to possibly delete notes outside the interval.
Windows Prompt and the Linux terminal allow drag & drop: this gave me the idea of ​​implementing this function in the plugin. Now you can upload your CSV file by simply dragging and dropping it into the text box (or in a button).
Implemented the function, for type 0 midi files, to extract a channel as a single track; for other types of midi files, the 'extract single track' function is available.
Added the possibility to edit the midi time division (ticks for quarter). Also added a function (at an elementary level) for the transformation of the rhythm from straight to swing.
Added to the download page a short guide on how the plugin works: in it the description of other numerous changes (including the rethinking of the quantization function), and considerations.

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