Musescore Shortcut key assignment Bug (Num+(Any number))

• Mar 15, 2025 - 09:10

Right Now Musescore has a few different ways of inserting Rest into Musescore. A) "(Quarter rest image) Enter Rest" - Break whatever is selected into it's corresponding rest when note input is not selected otherwise nothing. B) "Toggle Rest" - Breaks whatever is selected and replaces with corresponding rest as before but toggles the function to insert new rest with note input mode engaged. C) "Delete" - Takes whatever is selected and clears it back to a default measure (Whole Rest in 4/4) and when note input is on deletes selected note.

In the Shortcut Menu, So when in note input mode, we have Enter Rest which is great and does the job but here is my issue. Right Now, Num + any number is broken when assinging it in the Shortcut Menu. As in you can't. With num lock off it acts as Insert and works then but Num + 0 registers as 0 instead. This makes it so when 0 is pressed, it will work (Above P and O keys) but nothing on the num pad.

Even Though (Quarter rest image) Enter Rest is set to 0; Num + 0 by default, nothing happens. From Testing It seems when the Num lock is engaged this impacts all of the num keys.

I have tested with the rest functions and others at random.


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