Extracting MIDI from a Yamaha piano

• Mar 16, 2025 - 20:38

Hello, everyone.

I do not know how appropriate it is to write such a thing here, but, nevertheless, I will take the risk anyway, because so far I have not found any other solutions to my case.

In general, anyone who has a Yamaha NP-V60/80 Piaggero synthesizer (and I’m sure that someone has one anyway), please write to me personally, I’ll explain everything in more detail.
It’s about extracting MIDI data from Yamaha. I want to make scores from the demo songs available there.


This sub-forum (Made with Musescore) is intended to be used to show off what you've scored with MuseScore. You would probably be better off posting this elsewhere. In this case, likely the General discussion sub-forum (https://musescore.org/en/forum/11) would be the best choice.

However, it looks like you already discovered this and posted there: https://musescore.org/en/node/376247. Please post any further discussion on this topic at that link rather than here.

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