Deleted Score
While editing a score, I pressed on a setting button for one of the voices and the site crashed. I am not able to find my score now and am unaware how to access any history settings if possible. The Score is named "History Has Its Eyes On You", and I would like to know how I can get it back!
You are using some mixed terminology that makes it difficult to tell just what happened. "Editing a score" would most likely refer to using the MuseScore Studio application. However, at the end of the same sentence, you use the phrase that "the site crashed" which would appear to indicate that you were doing something with the score sharing website. Completely unconnected (well, mostly unconnected).
If you were using the MuseScore Studio application, the score is still wherever you saved it. MuseScore Studio literally does not have code to delete a score. It just cannot happen.
If you were using the website, then you probably need to ask this question over there.
If you can post a screenshot showing approximately what you were seeing before the crash, that might help. If you can do so, also click Help / About and identify the software, including the full version number, that you are using. Finally, identify the computer's operating system and its version.