La tonalité des instruments
Bonjour, depuis mes débuts d'utilisation de Musescore j'ai rencontré le problème de jouer la partition dans la tonalité de l'instrument.
Je viens de trouver une solution qui n'est pas parfaite.
On écrit une partition en tonalité de DO
Quand elle est validée elle prend l'armure de l'instrument choisi
Quand on valide la tonalité réelle la partition se configure pour l'instrument choisi, dans en Sib.
une partition écrite est la bonne sur le papier.
Si l'on joue cette partition, il faut prendre soin de mettre bb à toutes les notes pour être en harmonie avec l'instrument, cela ne fonctionne pas toujours et dépend de l'armure créée.
J'ai tout bidouillé dans le menu Transposition sans résultat, est ce que cela vous interpelle ?, merci, cordialement, Georges Nalbanti.
Traduction pour ce forum anglophone:
The tonality of instruments
Since I started using Musescore I have encountered the problem of playing the score in the key of the instrument.
I have just found a solution which is not perfect.
We write a score in the key of C
When it is validated, it is played in the key signature of the chosen instrument
When the actual key is validated, the score is configured for the chosen instrument, in Bb.
a written score is the correct one on paper.
If you play this score, you must take care to add bb to all the notes to be in harmony with the instrument, but this doesn't always work and depends on the weave created.
I've fiddled with everything in the Transposition menu to no avail, would this be of any help to you? thank you, Sincerely, Georges Nalbanti.
Translated with (free version)
In reply to Suggestions: Read the… by DanielR
Merci pour vos suggestions, mais cela n'a apporté aucune solution. Dans l'attente de trouver une vraie solution, Je reste sur celle que j'utilise même si elle m'oblige à faire 2 Partitions, une papier correcte, une sonore à la bonne tessiture
In reply to Merci pour vos suggestions,… by Nalbanti Georges
Unless we have completely failed to understand what you are asking, DanielR's suggestion is precisely what you need. Try this, as an example:
Create a new score. Include the following instruments: a Flute (a C, or "non-transposing" instrument), a Clarinet (a Bb, or "transposing" instrument), a Horn (an F instrument, which transposes, but differently than the Clarinet), a Trombone (C), and a Sousaphone (a Bb instrument). Leave the key signature set to C. Notice that the C instruments all show no sharps or flats, the Bb instruments all show two sharps, and the F instruments all show one sharp.
Turn on Concert Pitch, that is, place a checkmark in the box at the bottom of the MuseScore Studio screen:
Now you'll see that all the instruments are displaying the same key signature: no sharps or flats, C major.
Enter a C major scale in one of the instruments and copy/paste it to the others. Adjust the octave up or down as necessary. Play the score. You'll hear a C major scale in three or four octaves.
Now turn Concert Pitch back off, remove the checkmark from the box. The key signatures will change back to their original (transposing) keys and the notes are automatically transposed to the appropriate notes in the new key signature: The C instruments still in C, the Bb instruments in D, and the F instruments in G.
Play the score. Once again, you'll hear a C major scale in three or four octaves. The correct notes for each transposing and non-transposing instrument and the correct "concert" pitches. 20250322 170816 - transposing instruments.mscz