Multiple midi inputs or MCU protocol

• Mar 23, 2025 - 10:56


I bought a NI Komplete Kontrol MK2 and I found very interesting the way it integrates in daws such as Ableton, with the mixer on the screen (that can be fully controlled with your keyboard only) and the ability to input midi notes while having some buttons to press play, stop restart, etc...

And I wondered if that would integrate that well in musescore. Well it does not yet becazuse the way my keyboard works is that it's sending mutliple midi inputs wia 3 channels and I cannot use more than one in musescore.

Moreover, if I wanted to have the mixer that shows up on the screen, I guess Musescore would have to support the Mackie Control Universal protocol (as said on the Native Instrument website).

So I think, making musescore able to accept multiple midi inputs at the same time would be very usefull.

What do you think ?

:) A happy user of musescore 4.5

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