File Corrupted
I have a score made and was finished with and was going to open when it says that the file is now corrupted. Does anyone know why it is saying this and how to fix it? I was just on it yesterday.
I have a score made and was finished with and was going to open when it says that the file is now corrupted. Does anyone know why it is saying this and how to fix it? I was just on it yesterday.
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Please attach the file so that someone can try to find the problem. In case you don't know How To attach a file, click the link.
Also identify your computer's operating system and version, and MuseScore's version. You can get all three simultaneously by clicking on Help / About MuseScore from the main menu. Then click the copy button (two pieces of paper) next to the "Build" number. Paste that into your post.
This happened to my score, my computer shut down while it was trying to save and it corrupted the file. You should be able to email support and they can attempt to fix it on their end!
In reply to This happened to my score,… by KShaeK07
Since there is no "Support" group, there is no one to email. This forum--populated by users just like you--is the entire support structure for this application. So, as I said above, identify your computer's operating system and version and the version of MuseScore you have running. Then attach the corrupted score.
With that info we can try to look at it and, hopefully, identify how to fix the score.