condensed conductors score

• Mar 25, 2025 - 17:42

Hi All. Is it possible to condense a conductors Big Band score so that all trumpets on one line, all trombones on one line, Altos and tenor 1 on one line, and tenor 2/bari on one line, and rhythm as is (eg. one line each). Thank you

Ken K


You will have to add new instruments and then use the implode feature.

There is no trivial way to implode four instruments into one, without loosing the top instrument. what I usually do is add four temporary/working staffs at the bottom of the score. Then copy the instruments there that I want to merge. Then do the implode thing (you probably need to implode twice. First implode all four staffs to add them as separate voices in the top system, and then to implode the top staff into as few voices as necessary (one voice as long as they all play the same rhythm). Then copy the resulting top staff to a dedicated staff (e.g. "Trumpets" or "Trombones".

Then you create a new custom part containing all your imploded instruments (Saxes, Trumpets, Trombones, Piano, Guitar, Bass Drums)

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