search and replace

• Nov 6, 2014 - 18:51

I hope it is not too late for sugest a new feature: Search and replace

Reason: I every now and then import MIDI- files. And often MuseScore interprets sound duration in a wrong way (even the new version 2.0). Fortunately most in the same wrong way. I can imagine I could save a lot of time if I could search and replace e.g. each combination of a sixteenth note and a sixteenth rest with an eighth note. Of course must be preserved the pitch. In fact there are often very strange combinations with tuplets and so on.

It should be possible to confirm replacing step by step or do it at a stroke.

Sorry for my English... Could I explain my aim?




What you describe is clear, yes. I'm not sure it's really a better solution overall than implementing some addition "quantizing". I think there are already some options for detecting swing and converting it to eighth notes, did you play with those? But more control over this process would solve the problem without need for search and replace, which seems to me to be a more technical and difficult both to implement and use solution.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Hi Marc,

in my opinion it is a better solution. But what option "for detecting swing and converting it to eighth notes" do you mean?

I think "more control over this process" cannot help because a lot of MIDI- files are recorded files and not results from music notation programs! Think about quarter notes with a dot played on a MIDI keyboard. No software can recognize that. Naturally you will get a eighth note and a eighth rest!

For such files search and replace really could help.

In moment I manage it with uncompressed files and search and replace with regular expressions in a text editor (notepad++). This solution is possible but effective only for huge scores.


In reply to by Not-en_Fool

Actually, automatically recognizing staccato quarter notes is not difficult at all. Plenty of programs do that - including MuseScore 2.0! Did you try it? I just entered the following:


I then exported to MIDI and read it back in, and this is what MuseScore 2.0 (current nightly build) produces:


Can you post one of the MIDI files you are having trouble with? Could be interesting to see what would be invovled in tweaking the import to do what you want more automatically. It might already be implemented and just require, as I mentioned, some fiddling with the settings in the midi import window.

Attachment Size
staccato-1.png 9.31 KB
staccato-2.png 6.22 KB

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Hi that looks very nice!

Here is my last "problem- file":
See Bass- line from meassure 113 with (version 2.0) as Bass_112.png
Bass recognized
The right one see as Bass_112_original.png
Bass original
The nightly version works much more better, nearly perfect, than stable version 1.3 I use!
Nearly - but not really.

I know, this is hard stuff!

Thank you for your help


Attachment Size
Bass_112.png 9.44 KB
Bass_112_original.png 7.61 KB

In reply to by Not-en_Fool

OK, that's going to be hard to get right automatically. But I'd also imagine it would be very hard to design a search & replace system sophisticated enough to handle that!

Anyhow, do realize, MIDI import is never a good way of creating a score, and will usually always require some manual tweaking to make it readable. A lot of effort went into improving this for 2.0, but I don't know how much is realistic to expect. Still, thanks for the sample file! Maybe someday...

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Hi Marc,

thanks for your honest reply.

Yes I know, MIDI- import is not the beste way for creating scores, but it's often alluring comfortable. ;-)

And I guess I also in future have to do the nessesary changes by hand or by search and replace in uncompressed files with a text editor. But the accuracy of MuseScore will get better and better with every version. So I'm really looking forward to 2.0! When I can expect publishing the stable version?

I doff my hat to the program makers!

All the best and thank you


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