Enhanced 8va / 8vb

• Feb 22, 2010 - 02:47

1) I'd like to see added a "col 8va" and "col 8vb". These are quite common and indicate that the music should be doubled on either the octave above or below.
2) I'd also like to see some way of excluding notes (for example, a second voice on the same staff) from being raised if an 8va is in effect. Example: I have piano music where voice one has a half note under an 8va filling the entire 2/4 measure. Underneath that, voice two has chords on the off beats that should be normal (loco). Whenever I try write this it sounds good for a while, but eventually (I don't know why) it will revert to all notes in that bar being affected by the 8va, which is incorrect.


In reply to by David Bolton

This file has other problems related to tempos which I have previoiusly reported, but the part of interest is at measure 48 and 49, which should sound analagous to measures 46 and 47. I have adjusted the 8va line to only include the note in voice one--the first note in the measure, but sometimes it extends itself. It should be clear to a human player that only this chord is to be raised an octave. What is needed is someway to tell the computer that that is the case.

Attachment Size
Gershwin Prelude1.mscz 10.67 KB

In reply to by David Bolton

The problem with the 8va line was that it was effective for the half note that had the durration of the entire measure. When other chords were added in the same measure, they also were raised by an octave, but this should not be the case because I intend for the notes to be after the end of the 8va line. I think it's a difference between durration and space on the page. I really don't know how to explain it clearer other than to point you to the measures I indicated. Give it a listen and hear what's wrong and look at the score.

In reply to by MDMilford

In this particular case, I think there is a simple solution.
Double click the 8va, use Shift + left arrow to reduce his range to the first note of the measure (the half and the first 8th rest).
The sound should be correct but the look not.
For the look, double click the 8va anc use your mouse to move the handles. Move the 8va is necessary.

I'm not sure it will work if the first second voice note is not a rest.

Attachment Size
Gershwin Prelude1.mscz 10.68 KB

In reply to by David Bolton

Another problem this file has, if you're interested, is that mid-measure clef changes collide with accidentals of the next note. This can be solved by moving the note a bit but this is tedious and causes misallignments or crowding elsewhere in the score. I would expect both the clef and accidental to create their own space. Measures 38 and 39 are good examples of this. If the notes in the 2nd staff are moved away from the clef (moving the clef is impossible), they are no longer alligned with the 32nd notes in the 1st staff. If the 32nd notes are then moved they will be much closer together than the other 32nd notes in the measure.

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