Note Names

• Apr 7, 2010 - 20:56

First, sorry for my bad English. The query is: How do I move a text, but, using plug-in, there is some function that I return the text position coordinates and I can change it programmatically?

What happens is that the plug-in naming the notes makes the names appear on them. I would like to move these names above the notes, at a suitable distance.



At the moment, it is possible to position a staff text when it is initially created and before it is attached to the staff, using the xOffset and yOffset properties of the Text Object .

Once the text is attached to the staff, there is currently no way to retrieve and modify it. Plugin architecture is still evolving.


Would it be possible to somehow modify the code for the notename plugin so that it would display each notes corresponding position on the fretboard of a guitar?

In reply to by Thomas

Looks like some great work going on!

Maybe at a future point we can work on notation for barre chords . For some high quality diagrams see:…

A few things to notice about the diagrams for barre chords:

  • The slur indicates the range of strings covered by the index finger
  • Some diagrams have a number or roman numeral off to the right-hand side to indicate that the top of the diagram is cropped and starts with a particular fret rather than the "nut". In such cases the top line of the diagram is the same thickness as the other fret lines.

In reply to by David Bolton

David wrote: "Some diagrams have a number or roman numeral off to the right-hand side to indicate that the top of the diagram is cropped and starts with a particular fret rather than the "nut". In such cases the top line of the diagram is the same thickness as the other fret lines"


This is very important. For all but beginner guitarists, chords are played up and down the neck. It is a standard feature that you can indicate the fret number to the right of the chord diagram.

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