Adding parenthesis to fret numbers.

• Apr 13, 2015 - 12:21

I have been really enjoying musescore 2.0

One challenge I wanted to achieve is to notate a string bend in tablature.

So far I have added a grace note which I am happy with.
I have also added the text "B.U." for bend up. above the target pitch.
What I would like to achieve next is to be able to put parenthesis around the fret number of the grace note.
Would this be a tricky thing to do?


I'm not a guitarist but I was under the impression that bend where notated using the "full bend" you can find in the articulation palette.

You can add parenthesis around a fret number by selecting it and double clicking the parenthesis in the notehead palette.

Capture d'écran 2015-04-13 14.15.34.png

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