Adding items to a measure

• May 20, 2015 - 20:37

Hi all,

When you want to add lyrics, or any other text below the staff, are you always required to anchor it to a note or rest? Can I place a text box just below a measure or staff line that contains other objects?

Here's what I'm trying to do. I built a score with chords only, made all the slash marks invisible, and then moved the chords down into the measures (between the bar lines) as in the attached PDF document. Just like the second measure of the Verse, I wish to place three small vertical lines under the beat one G chord and one under the beat four C chord, instead of typing the G chord three times. This would mimic the # 1 jpg. This indicates that the player must hold the first chord for three beats and the last chord for one beat; as opposed to the default two beat+two beat format when you place two chords in a measure. Does that make sense? I enclosed two sample pictures of what I want to do. the # 2 jpg is a variation on the idea.

- Lee


Why would you go to the trouble of creating the slahs notation, then hiding the slashes, then trying to re-add slashes as text? Why not simply use the slash notation in the first place? That's what it is for. You should not be using text at all for this - you should run "Edit / Tools / Fill with Slashes" on the staff to fill it with slashes then add chord symbols above normally.

Another common way of notating this would be to use slashes as chord symbols:

G / / C | G / / C |

etc. This works fine in MuseScore.

But to answer the question, yes, text is normally attached to individual notes, which is actually how you'd want it to guarantee things line up properly.

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