G.B. Buonamente, "Quarto Libro" (1626): II. Sinfonie e Gagliarde

• Jun 17, 2010 - 21:06


This is the second installment of an edition of the Quarto Libro di G.B. Buonamente for 2 violins and cello, containing the 10 Sinfonie (nothing to do with the late XVIII c. meaning of the term, as you will see...) and the 11 Gagliarde.

A third installment completing the book will follow (shortly, hopefully...).

As always, any suggestion to improve the result is welcome.



P.S. The first installment has been posted here .

Attachment Size
Buonamente_Libro4_2_1.mscz 59.2 KB


Just in case anyone cares, I posted Buonamente's whole "Quarto Libro" in PDF format to IMSLP (a.k.a. Petrucci Music Library). I have also tried to do a little bit of MuseScore advertisement...

The MuseScore sources are not available yet: I have written them with a home-made MuseScore version which is a + some features of 0.9.7 I needed, so they will lack some details if open with the more 'standard' versions readily available.

I will make the sources available as soon as ver. 0.9.7 will be stable enough.



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