Is it possible to add custom noteheads to my score?

• Jun 2, 2015 - 17:13

Hello folks,

As a contemporary composer sometimes I wish I could use different noteheads, not only the options that come with the program... (which are great anyway)

Is it possible to add custom noteheads to my score?

I thought of just hiding noteheads and adding symbols, which can be a workaround for isolated cases. But it seems that if that trick is overused I can make things too messy...

Thank you!


In reply to by rodolfo valente

Hello Marc,

Our discussion about another topic in this forum (text in glissandi), that pointed to the possibilities of customizing the palette, brought me to a workaround in the noteheads issue. Its not perfect, but usable:

1. Open the Symbol tab in the Master Palette (I like using the Z key shortcut to get there);
2. Drag some symbol to the notehead section in your custom palette;
3. Now you can use any symbol as a notehead;

1. Previous notehead doesn't disappear, new symbol simply overlaps it (so you have to make original notehead invisible before putting the new one);
2. Due to different sizes and shapes of different symbols, notehead positioning in the stems may become awkward (big symbols will also overlap the followin notes), this can be manually, one by one, corrected by adjusting positioning in the Inspector;
3. Even if you give the new notehead symbol a new name, it won't appear in the inspector as a notehead group option...


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