Shortcuts to create notes below current note
For some reason the factory settings of MuseScore allow the user to add notes above the current note with the keyboard shortcuts Shift + (note name) or Alt + (1-9); but no shortcuts for adding notes below.
Users can set this up by adjusting preferences but shouldn't it be there in the factory version?
We are running out of shortcuts...
You can do [Shift] - n where n is an interval number; so [Shift] - 4 places a note a 4th below it.
You can just do [Shift] - note and then [Ctrl] - DownArrow.
You can plan your chord entry better so that you enter the notes in ascending order of pitch.
In reply to You can do [Shift] - n where by underquark
Shift+n was disabled by default for 2.0 because it conflicts with the shortcuts for selecting duration on keybaords such as those commonly used in France where the number keys require Shift. However, you can add them back as custom shrotcuts in Edit / Preferences / Shortcuts.
(1) I notice that Ctrl + Shift + [note name] is documented in the preferences > shortcuts. But nothing happens when I try it. Is this another redundant shortcut?
(2) Shift + Alt combinations do not seem to be allowed. I have tried entering them in the shortcuts dialogue box but it won't enter "shift" and only keeps the "Alt". Surely, allowing this extra option would solve the problem of running out of shortcuts?
(3) Even though the factory version does not allow note names to be entered under a selected note by shortcut, the options should be available to the individual user if s/he wants them. So I'd like to request that blank shortcuts options for "below notes" be made available in the preferences > shortcuts.