Developer documentations for 2.x version plugins

• Jun 8, 2015 - 20:04


I would like to develop a plugin for MuseScore 2.x. Is there any documentation about it?


The Help within Plugins / Plugin Creator has fairly "complete", if rather sparse, documentation. That plus the source code to MuseScore itself of course.

In reply to by mtarenskeen

By "fairly complete" I mean it covers every single class, method, etc. But indeed, its not a "how to get started" tutorial. For that, best thing to do is look at the sample plugins provided to see how they do things. That's what they are for - it's not like most of them do anything useful otherwise :-).

I have been editing a copy of an existing MuseScore 2 (qml) plugin to get a feel for how plugins work. I am running MuseScore 2.0.1 on Windows 7.

So far it seems that if something is wrong, nothing happens.N o error messages, just silence.

Is there any way to quickly check for syntax errors?

Is there a debugger for these plugins? (I am just running them from the Plugin creator.) Do I need to be running a debug version of MuseScore? Will doing so provide me any tools (like setting breakpoints and examining variables) for debugging a plugin?

If not, are there commands that I can use to at least trace the state of variables? If so, could someone please point me to the descriptions for those commands?

Thanks very much


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