Crash removing instrument with volta (0.9.6 regression)
Steps to reproduce bug
1. Create a new score with two instruments
2. Drag a volta bracket to the lower staff
3. Create > Instruments
4. Remove the lower staff
5. Press "OK" to dismiss the Instruments dialog
--> Crash
MuseScore version: Bug present in and 0.9.6. Bug not present in 0.9.5.
(Operating System: Windows 7)
first reported by cwhysall:
There is no way to drag a volta bracket to lower staff since volta are for the whole system and associated with the higher one. I can't reproduce.
Apparently, the initial bug came from a imported MusicXML. It looks like MuseScore does not allow the user to drag a volta on a staff except the first one but that MusicXML import can do it. This bug might be solved together with a new feature (adding voltas on different staff) or in the musicXML importer to avoid such a situation.
In step 1 create a score for two flutes (instead of different instruments).
In step 2 drag the volta bracket so that it is between the first and second staves (even though the dotted line still points to the top staff).
(Crash reproduced using r.3361 prerelease for
Fixed in r3391
Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.