Missing tie between chords?

• Jun 20, 2015 - 16:14

Try as I might I cannot get both ties to form between two of the chords in the attached file. Very curious as there are only two notes in each chord, only one voice and only 1 bar of music!

Win 7 HP and MS 2.0.1
I can't reproduce the "bug," either in the attached file or by creating a new file. So consider the case closed for now.

Attachment Size
missing_chord_tie.mscz 6.38 KB


Works fine for me. How are you trying to add the tie? I did it by selecting the full chord (eg, with nothing selected, Shift+click the chord to create a range selection) then pressing "+". Also works if selecting the stem, which is the other commonly-recommended way of initiating a full chord tie. Also works if I Ctrl+click the two notes of the chord individually. This all works equally well whether doing it from the standard or the tab staff, except of course there is no stem to select on the tab staff. But even that works if I change from Simple to Common to get stems.

This is with a current development build, but I can't think of anything that has changed since 2.0.1 that would be relevant here.

It is conceivable the problem had to do with the specific series of steps used in creating the score, and that it fixed itself on save / load. It's also possible you somehow weren't doing it correctly. Trying to enter a tie on a chord while in note input mode, for example, does not work and is not designed to work, although of course it seems like it would be nice if it did.

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