Use the Beam Properties palette to control beam behavior.
To answer your specific question, click on the first eighth note/quaver of the second group to select it. Next, click on the Beam Properties palette to open it. The second icon from the left is for designating "middle of beam"; if you double-click on it, then the beam from the preceding group should be extended and the note in question will become the third member of the newly beamed group.
(The capital "A" on the Beam Properties palette stands for Automatic, i.e., default, beam behavior for a note/chord.)
Use the Beam Properties palette to control beam behavior.
To answer your specific question, click on the first eighth note/quaver of the second group to select it. Next, click on the Beam Properties palette to open it. The second icon from the left is for designating "middle of beam"; if you double-click on it, then the beam from the preceding group should be extended and the note in question will become the third member of the newly beamed group.
(The capital "A" on the Beam Properties palette stands for Automatic, i.e., default, beam behavior for a note/chord.)