2 problems

• Aug 31, 2010 - 16:12

1) How can I move the chordnames closer to the staffs?

2)Is it possible to make ny stafflines and then transpose the musicnumber and make it stand in the same sheet under the first node. I want to see the same number i ex. Cmajor, Gmajor and so on?
How do I do it?

How do I find the answers to my quistions?



1) Select a chordname, right click on it, choose Text properties, Check the bottom checkbox "Apply to all elements of the same type", then change the Y parameter to ie -3 or -3.5.

2)So you want to see a given staff in different keys right? Not sure why you want that but ...
Press i to display the instrument dialog
Add more instrument for the staff you want to transpose
Select all the note in this staff and copy paste on the other staff
select the whole second staff and go to note-> Transpose to transpose it.

3) For these questions, the forum is a good place. For more basic questions, the [[nodetitle:Handbook]] is a good starting point

In reply to by make

What I did resolved moving the chordnames.

I went to >Style>Text Style>Chordname.

There I changed the y axis and the chordnames moved. You may have to save and reload for the visual to change.

Hope this helps.


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