Importing Score Writer files

• Sep 5, 2010 - 10:39

Is it possible to import files written in Score Writer into Musescore? These files have the suffix .scw, which is not recognised by the File Open command.


Since Score Writer is essentially a subset of Overture, the file formats are very similar (or more likely identical?).
I have tried renaming some Score Writer files, file extension .scw, with the Overture file extension .ove
Then Musescore will open these files, typically with no errors or only a few superficial errors. In particular, sometimes slurs from the original Score Writer file are not imported correctly.
Mostly, these errors are very easily corrected after a few moments work [I should, perhaps, qualify this by saying that I am normally working with rather simple scores of up to 3 staves so I cannot comment on behaviour with complex scores].
I will post a topic in the 'New features' section suggesting that Musescore should recognise the file extension .scw and should process it as equivalent to .ove
[Note: I am using Score Writer for Windows Version 4.1.0 ]

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