Front page when exported to PDF

• Aug 7, 2015 - 20:45

Hi, gang!!!

I know it is absolutely out of the music world, itself. But... I wonder why not to add a minimal addition to MuseScore: to add an "artistic" Front Page, when we export any score to the PDF format.

I'm talking about an special first page, with texts from the Information Menu: Tittle, Composer, Arranger, etc., and artistic frames to get a well decorated front page.

Just an idea to get a more "professional" look of our musical pieces.

Greetings & Blessings!!!!!!!



I'm not certain I understand what you're asking for. I usually create the front page separately and then combine it with the score in a PDF. Are you asking for the ability to combine them automatically when you export a PDF from MuseScore?

You are welcome to create such a page yourself within MuseScore - just add a large enough vertical frame and start attaching text & graphics. But of cours,.e MuseScore is not a text processing program, so if you want anything fancy you are probably better off preparing the whole front page separately then either creating separate PDF and joining them or importing the separate front page as an image,

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