Problem with Tuplets

• Aug 9, 2015 - 19:19

When I try to input a 3-plet with Ctrl+3 Musescore writes à 3-plet but if the next note is of the same duration than the notes in the 3-plet then the 3-plet is extended to the fourth note (and the duration is not this of the 3-plet).
If the input is made with the menu this works well...
I precise that I respect the input procedure: selecting a note with the total duration then Ctr+3, then the notes...

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MuseScore Tuplet bug.jpg 63.38 KB


It's hard to help given only a picture. When asking for help, please post the specific score you are having problems with and precise step by step instructions to recreate the problem. Also say what OS you are on and what version of MuseScore you are using.

It *looks* like you might be describing something that was true of 1.3 but works as expected in 2.0. In 1.3, you had to break some beams manually using the Beam Properties palette that 12.0 gets right by default.

In reply to by HUb

I don't see anything in that score but rests?

In any case, as mentioned previously, MuseScore 1.3 was very limited in how it understood beaming. MuseScore 2.0 is much more sophisticated in this and many other matters. Whatever the issue you are having is, I suspect you won't have in in 2.0 (current version is actually 2.0.2, that's what you should update to).

I have tried to recreate the problem using both 1.3 and 2.0.2, the tuplets worked as expected in both.

Attached below is those 2 bars created 1.3 and also an image of the original score of the offending passage.

The OP does seem to have a settings problem based on the image, but as has been mentioned, the uploaded score is blank.

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A Sea Symph.jpg 234.25 KB
A_Sea_Symphony.mscz 2.06 KB

Perhaps this image will help? When I first started using tuplets, I found it really confusing. So this is what I do:

1. Break the single-bar rest to include a rest for the *whole duration* of the triplet: in the example a crotchet (quarter note).
2. Select the rest, then Ctrl+3. That changes the crotchet rest into three quaver (eighth note) rests.
3. Select the first rest of the tuplet and start adding the required notes.


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MuseScore_add_triplet.png 5.24 KB

Thanks for all your comments, I think that I understand my problem :
-I work with the 2.0.2 release which is fine,
-I wanted to create a triplet with 3 quavers but instead of selecting, for the whole duration a quarter, I select a dotted quarter which generate a 3-plet whit four notes...
So now I can write correctly the score.
But the behavior with a *whole duration* of a dotted quarter seems to be strange.
Thanks for all and for your reactivity.

In reply to by HUb

What specifically seems strange? Again, it is always best when asking for help if you can post a specific score (or tell us how to create an appropriate score scratch, or tell us if we can start with the default "My First Score"), then give *precise* step by step instructions to reproduce whatever problem you are perceiving.

Hi, I've been attempting to add a triplet of quarter notes, 1 quarter note, and 2 8th notes in a 4/4 measure (I've seen this done in other professionally composed music) but I was not able to. Also, I tried writing 2 triplets of all quarter notes and this too, was not possible. Please advise.

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