Automatic recognition of Dynamics when imported MIDI files

• Aug 15, 2015 - 22:16

Hi, gang!!!

I don't know if this item had been discussed before and I don't know if it is on the today MuseScore versions and I missed it.

I wonder if it could be possible to get MuseScore automatically recognizes the dynamics values (velocity) directly from the MIDI file values.

I mean: into the MIDI files there is the velocity value, from each note and every moment of the piece. It is a 0 to 127 scale. I don't know if there is some General MIDI rule about which value is equal to... what dynamic text (pppp, ppp, pp, p, mp, mf, f, ff, fff and ffff). But MuseScore has some internal equivalence table (because it does it when we put the dynamic texts on the score). So...

It is intended because, when we import some MIDI file, which has its own dynamics, then we can not to put the dynamic texts into the score without to change that original dynamics.

Of course, if there is way to put the dynamic indications into the score, without to change the original dynamic of the piece, please, let me know!!!

Greetings & Bleesings!!!!!!!


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