SATB playback different in - can it be changed back?

• Oct 3, 2010 - 06:19

I have been transcribing music for my choir into Musescore for use in our personal practice, generally with four parts (SATB). Using 0.9.5, the playback sounded like a piano. Now in 0.9.6 I'm guessing what I hear is something akin to actual vocals going "ah". It's not useful and sounds pretty bad actually. I did find a way to change the Staff Properties to make it sound like a piano, but it seems I'd have to do so for each part every time I create a new piece and anything I've previously done would have to be modified. Is there a way to change playback globally so it sounds like a piano again?

I apologize if I'm asking a question that's already answered. I can't figure out how to search for this issue.


Thanks for both suggestions. I've been able to change the sound file and that makes 0.9.6 much better for my purposes.
I'll also take a look at the info the Mixer. Thanks as well for the pointer to setting up Templates - that should be a great shortcut.

I think for now I'm going to continue to use 0.9.5 and postpone moving to the latest version until I'm a bit more prepared to deal with the changes. Luckily I still have it installed.

This is a great program and has been a huge help to me. Really appreciate the effort that has gone into its development.

Once you know how to use the mixer - sometimes I find it helpful to use different instruments to distinguish the voices. E.g. tuba for bass, clarinet for tenor, oboe for alto and flute for soprano.

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