"Ped." and "Whole note's size is too big"
I'm a user who recently started helping translate MuseScore to Japanese.
Today I have some requests. It would be so nice to see it become possible.
1. The size of whole notes is too big. A ledger line should run off the edge of a note head on it.
Please reconsider the default size of whole notes.
2. Would you add a period to the pedal marking (Ped)?
"Ped" => "Ped." , I mean.
Thank you for reading & Thank you for making MuseScore possible!
Whole note are the correct size (they should be wider than half notes), but the ledger lines need to be longer to accommodate for the extra width. To follow developments on this particular issue subscribe to:
#6317: Ledger lines not long enough for whole notes
In reply to Whole note are the correct by David Bolton
Thank you for the reply.
I know whole notes should be wider than half notes, but I think they are still a little too wide. Even 90 % of the current width would be fine.
And I didn't know the issue had been reported. Yes, the ledger lines need to be longer.
I'm looking forward to it. "Ped." too.