Hide staves function

• Aug 22, 2015 - 21:21

Hi. Is it possible to select which instruments the 'hide empty staves' option will apply to? I ask because my score is SATB plus Organ (two staves) and in some parts only one of the staves contains notes. If I click hide it will remove the other stave of the organ.
I am sure there is a way of fooling it but would rather not.


In reply to by underquark


Thanks for that. I have learnt something new... however it does not fix the problem I have which is that I only want it to hide the organ staves (of which there are two) if BOTH are empty. At the moment it is treating the two staves as separate instruments and consequently if only the 'right' hand stave has notes it will remove the 'left' hand stave although it is part of the organ music.


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