conversion into dotted notes

• Oct 25, 2010 - 19:49


here is my problem: scores from imported midi files do not contain dotted notes after import into musescore.

Question: how to convert 3 subsequent notes with same value into the equivalent dotted note (all together and automatically)?

I'd appreciate your help as this is a very urgent issue to me!

Thanks alot


In reply to by David Bolton

Midi file is an exported Cubase transcription. Notes are dotted there, in the score editor view. No possibility to export musicXML from Cubase. There should be an option in musescore to switch from dotted notes to three notes and vice versa.

Other question: what is the professional way anyway? Dotted notes or its equivalent representation of three single notes ?


In reply to by music_student

MIDI file format was not designed to represent notated music but music as played. That means that a score program like MuseScore has to interpret the MIDI into something reasonable. In a MIDI file a note has a start time and a length. If you have three notes all the same length there will be three start times, so it is reasonable for MuseScore to show three notes. There is nothing in a MIDI file to say the notes are tied, if that was the intention, so MuseScore would not know to combine the notes. I don't know if it would anyway.

As to the 'professional' way, I don't know how that could be answered. Notated music these days tends to use what is easiest to read, even if it cuts across beats. This tends to mean show the fewest number of notes you need. If you intend one long note then the dotted note would be the one to use.

In reply to by cwhysall

Thanks for reply! But I think I didnt express myself clear. When I was talking about three notes, I was talking about the result of musescore interpreting a note with single start and single end time but the length (for example) of three eigth. Thats what Im talking about. I set up ONE note with the length of three eigths in the piano roll editor of Cubase and I just want it to represented as dotted note in musecore, not as three eigths bound with an arch - without changing all of them manually. I think its a very common requirement when it comes down to representing either notated music or music as played. It should be a simple option because maybe one half of the users wants the given case represented as three bounded eights and the other half as one dotted fourth.

If you have 3 eighth notes and want to make dotted quarter. Click on the first 8th and choose a quarter in the toolbar, then choose a dot in the toolbar.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Thanks a lot. This is a solution but I hope it is not THE solution as it will take a lot of time if you are dealing with thirty scores or something to convert via musecore. I really dont want to identify all the cases first and then change them manually. This is the reason I got me a computer. But thanks anyway because maybe I really have to do it your way.

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