Backported in branch

• Nov 1, 2010 - 19:55

I just noticed this term and wondered if we could perhaps have an explanation for this in the 'How to report a bug' guide?


Not really, because I forged the expression for the occasion. MuseScore development is currently done on two codebases. One is the trunk and the other one is name the branch. When we released 0.9.6, we made a branch to be able to release 0.9.6.X versions on this branch. At the same time, the trunk has been used to add more features, be able to destroy parts of the software to rebuild them more cleanly etc... The trunk is now used to build the nightly builds.
Sometimes a bug is reported on branch (if you use MuseScore for example) or on the trunk if you use a nightly or build MuseScore yourself. If the bug is solved on the trunk, a developer (myself in this case) can port the fix on the branch, in case we would like to make a new version on the 0.9.6 serie. I hope it's more clear.

As soon as the trunk will be stable enough, we will kill the branch and go back to trunk only. Until the next major overhaul...

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