Add option to split audio file by system breaks.

• Sep 16, 2015 - 21:50

Currently, I am using musescore to create rhythmic exercises. I would love the option of exporting a score of exercises into sectioned-up audio files (e.g. multiple mp3s), split up at each designated system break of each exercise. This would also be useful for long-scores, where the creator may want to split up the exported file into shorter audio files for easier referencing and rehearsing. One could add this option in the audio section of the export preferences--"split audio file by system breaks". It would be required to have automatic naming of each exported audio file and it associated tags. (e.g., score-part1.mp3, score-part2.mp3, etc.).

Many thanks for such a great piece of software,

PS: Is there a way a can specifically search the "Feature Request" forum to see if anyone else has a similar idea before I submit mine? I have more ideas.


It's a good idea. Meanwhile, though, you might try a different approach - creates exercises as separate scores, generate audio for them individually, then use the Album feature to combine them.

It's also not terribly hard to split a long file into separates using Audacity, but it is not as simple as I'd prefer, either. I do this a fair amount taking a recording of a concert and dividing into individual tracks. More manual than I'd like, but not too bad.

Reagrding your last point, I don't know of a way to search a specific forum only, but I wouldn't sweat it - ideas tend to crop up in all fo the forums as well as the issue tracker, so a general search is probably better anyhow.

Thanks for the tip. I will use it.

It would be great if the "Album" dialogue box had the option of exporting selected scores in the album, not only as separate audio files, but other formats as well. As it is now, each score has to be individually opened and then exported into the desired format. Currently, the only output option for an album is to print it.

Perhaps there could also be the option of opening all the scores in an album at once, similar to "tab group" or "bookmark All Tabs" in Firefox. Another great Album-related feature to add would be a quick menu option to split up a score by system breaks into an album of separated sections (this is related to my initial post). Currently, one can merge separate scores into one score through the album dialogue box, but one can't easily do the opposite-split up a score into separate ones, except by instrument part.

Much appreciation goes to all the developers of this fantastic software!

I think having the generated audio files split at section breaks rather than at each system break would allow more flexibility.

System breaks may occur anywhere, depending on the contents of individual measures, not necessarily at structural points; even hard line breaks may be there for layout purposes, rather than for structuring purposes.

Section breaks, however, are there exactly for this purpose, marking structural points in the score. Then, I believe such an option should use them, rather than system breaks.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Possibly you are right, I am just speculating that, if such a feature will be added, it would possibly better use section breaks rather than (generic) system breaks.

While speculating, one could also dream that also MID output and perhaps PDF output could be split according to section breaks...

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