trying to find note degrees
As an exercise on plugin developement I was thinking about one that writes the notes degrees referred to the current chord selected while browsing the score.
e.g. on a measure with a C chord, any note G would print a '5'
The note name plugin seems the best choice to start the mods.
But it's not clear to me, when i get a chord on the score (cursor.isChord()=true) how to detect the chord root...
is there that information in the chord object?
or should I try to get the chord name lookig at the chord name text above the score?
... or maybe there isn't a way?
Last question, what do you use to run/debug the plugin while developing them?
Chord is just an array of notes, so no info about the root, except if you can figure it out from the notes. You can try the harmony object to get the chordnames.
You can debug the plugin by enabling the script debugger in MuseScore in Help -> Enable script debugger and then click on your plugin menu. More info :