Excess space between systems in partially-filled page

• Oct 14, 2015 - 15:56

MS 2.02 / Win 7 / Win10.

Open attached score. The system spacing in pages 1–2 is fine. But on page 3 there are irregular looking spaces particularly before line no. 20.

How can you produce system spacing on page 3 like that on page 2?

Attachment Size
carcassi_arpeggios.mscz 30.98 KB


The reality is that the spacing is equal on page 3—delete the notes and you'll see that the empty staves are the same distance apart. It's basically a visual illusion caused by the way that on No. 19 and No. 21 things extend mostly above the staff, while on No. 20 things extend mostly below.

That said, you can always adjust the distance between the staves with spacers—see https://musescore.org/en/node/36151.

Thanks. Seems the vertical frame method is the best. Append a vertical frame to the score, extend it to the margin, then increase "Bottom gap" to push all the staves upwards until the system spacing matches that of the previous page.

The other way is to use a down-spacer on the last system.

I think maybe you are being fooled by the fact that line 19 has different content in the bottom voice. Measure with a ruler - the system distance is exactly the same throughout the page. It's slightly larger than the space on page 2 because you have the maximum system distance set to 12sp and the minimum to 9sp. So you are telling MuseScore to add more space where it can. Set these the same in Style / General / Page if you want all systems the same distance (well, lyrics and fret diagrams will still add extra soace as necessary, as will spacers).

EDIT: Ooops, sorry, for some reaosn I didn't initially see the responses after the first.

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