Pasting chord symbols from other score has formatting issues

• Oct 18, 2015 - 00:25

In MS 2.0.2 under Windows 10 Pro, I copied the chord symbols from one particular measure in a score and pasted them into an identically set measure in a second score.

In the original, I had changed the horizontal offset for one of the symbols. I had left the vertical offset at 0.

When I pasted, the chord symbol with the horizontal offset now mysteriously also had a (negative) vertical offset. See screen shot.

It was easy to fix in the Inspector, but I believe it is a bug for a vertical offset to be introduced here.


Attachment Size
bug musescore.jpg 50.79 KB


In reply to by dman

The text styles differ between these two scores. It seems the paste is preserving the actual height of the chord symbol. The text style applies an offset by 1.10sp, so an offset of -1.10sp is necessary to achieve the same position. I guess this happens only for manually positioned chord symbols.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Understood. In this case, I don't think I had a different style, though. I created the original second score by copying the first. Then I added another voice and changed the page margins so the page printed as I like. I also changed the margins around the lyrics and moved the chord symbols from the baritone voice staff to the piano grand staff.

After I changed the chords in one measure on one of the scores, I copied the measure changes to the other score. And that's when I noticed the issue.

The score sheets I uploaded were taken from the actual ones, but with everything extraneous removed and just the one measure kept.

In reply to by dman

Well, someone or something changed the style, because it's definitely different between the two scores right from the beginning - before the paste. Perhaps you did it inadvertently while trying to fix the positioning at some point before posting the excerpt?

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