Very long bar extends out of the page border

• Dec 29, 2010 - 12:05

To reproduce this bug:
1. Find a empty bar.
2. Type a lot of short notes in the bar.
3. The notes would extend out of the border instead of going to the next page.

Attachment Size
out-of-border.png 161.29 KB


In reply to by David Bolton

Hmm... interesting...

Well, I know I've seen line breaks in the middle of a measure before (in actual music I mean)... I'm trying to think if the barline was gone or what... usually it's very confusing when it happens though. I feel like it might not even get rid of the bar line, and just have something like, if we're in 4/4, a 3/4 measure on one line and a 1/4 in the next (without labeling them as shorter). Like having a pickup measure. It could automatically assign a spot, and then of course you should be able to change where in the measure that spot would be.

Maybe it's also possible to force the notes to take up less space (which runs the risk of them being squished...).

Interesting indeed...

In reply to by David Bolton

The notes should go to where there are lines.
Look at the attached picture:
The notes have extended out of the score,
occupying the normal "empty space" of this page and next page,
without typesetting to the next "lined" space(at next page).
They even overlapped with the staff names, clef and barline.

Expected behaviour would be, let's say an 3/4 bar on the old system without a barline at the end and an 1/4 bar on the new system with a bar number in parentheses.

Since MuseScore doesn't support split measures, or system breaks in the middle of a measure, I think we should leave it as it is and give people a tutorial, how to get things to look like a split bar.

There's an explanation somewhere else on the forum, I just didn't find it though.

1. Create an empty measure after that one you want to split
2. Move all the notes you want to have on the second system to this second measure
3. Change actual durations for the measures, so that they sum up to the original length of your measure
4. if not automatically happend, put a system break between the measures
5. hide the barline between the measures
6. mark the second measure as irregular ("do not count")

This shouldn't happen automatically, so I think, as long as we don't have real split bars, MuseScore should do nothing and leave the splitting to the user.
Maybe this should go to the handbook somewhere?

In reply to by fnbecker

It strengthens my believe that we need a snippet section on Although this might be material for the handbook, the handbook is not really handy for this type of information.

What we might need is a new content type:
- Title
- Description
- Image (screenshot of the piece)
- Instructions
- MuseScore file
- Tags

This content type should be wiki editable by anyone.

What do you think?

In reply to by Thomas

I think so too.
If necessary, things can be mentioned in the handbook with a link to the article on with examples and stuff.
So I found out, while translating some handbook pages, there are some links to forum article, for example in the installation section, paragraph on fedora, bute this is bad for translation, because we would have to link into the english forum. So it would be good to have things translatable.
Also information can be much better represented, if someone rewrites stuff from forum entries.

@decomposer what page size do you use? Is it standard US Letter or A4? I can't seem to be able to reproduce your problem easily. Would you be able to upload your musescore file, just that single page from the screenshot you made, to a comment?

First thanks for the snippet and your patience.

It was A4,
and the problem just resolved after I change the paper size to A3.
(since on A3 paper, the bar just fits in paper)
I'm on duty today, so I have problem reaching my own computer these two days,
so the file would be uploaded on 2011/1/1.
Sorry for the inconvenience.

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